Specimens of Preaching Robert Hawker from
Robert Hawker. Advertisement . THE HE Sermons contained in this Volume , are published , as a Specimen of the Author's method of preaching . The Reader of discernment cannot but discover in the perusal of them , ( what indeed the ...
Specimens of Preaching Robert Hawker from
With a Memoir of His Life and Writings Robert Hawker, John Williams. some of the leading doctrines of our faith ... specimen of his preaching at that period - the language classically chaste , elegant , and impressive ; but it is 18 ...
Specimens of Preaching Robert Hawker from
... specimen given of Christ's preaching in his first sermon in the synagogue ; we may conclude , that he himself was the great theme on which he dwelt ; and the purport of his ministry on earth , the leading feature of his whole doctrine ...
Specimens of Preaching Robert Hawker from
... specimen of his preaching , does he not say , ' that the person , glory , grace , blood - shedding , righteousness , and finished salvation of our Lord are the glorious doctrines I preach - these I make the ground - work of all ...
Specimens of Preaching Robert Hawker from
University of Edinburgh. Theological Library. Hawker . Sermons on the Divinity and Operations of the Holy Ghost , by Robert Hawker , D.D. 8vo . Bath , 1794 Specimens of Preaching , by Robt . Hawker , D.D. 8vo . Plym . 1801 Hawkins . An ...
Specimens of Preaching Robert Hawker from
... sermons , I should review them in a similar * defend , and with an animating hope , that he shall be enabled by the blessing of God , to convince others ; and thus to guide the uninformed , or confirm the faith of the believer . " ( ...
Specimens of Preaching Robert Hawker from
Robert Hawker. DR . HAWKER'S WORKS : COMPLETE . T. WILLIAMS respectfully informs the Friends of Dr. HAWKER , and the ... Specimens of Preaching , ) 5s . ZION'S PILGRIM , 8vo . 4s . - 12mo . 3s . DR. HAWKER'S WORKS: ...
Specimens of Preaching Robert Hawker from
... Robert Hawker . Plymouth . 1799 . Remarks on the Rev. R. Polwhele's Letter to the Rev. Robert Hawker . N. T. ... Specimens of Preaching . R. Hawker . Plymouth Dock . 1800 . Letter of Thanks to the Rev. T. Smith . R. Hawker . 1818 ...
Specimens of Preaching Robert Hawker from
... Robert Hawker . Plymouth . 1799 . Remarks on the Rev. R. Polwhele's Letter to the Rev. Robert Hawker . N. T. ... Specimens of Preaching . R. Hawker . Plymouth Dock . 1800 . Letter of Thanks to the Rev. T. Smith . R. Hawker . 1818 ...
Specimens of Preaching Robert Hawker from
... Sermons , 2 vol . boards , 7s . 6d . 23301 Havett's Sermons on Practical Subjects , 2s . 6d . · 23302 Hawker's ( Dr. Robert ) Specimen of Preaching , in Eight Ser- mons , ( published at 5s . ) in boards , 28 : 68 . 1794 1703 1801 23303 ...