Robert Hawker (1753–1827) was an Anglican priest in Devon, vicar of Charles Church, Plymouth. Called "Star of the West" for his popular preaching.
Hawker leads you through the scriptural record of creation, the flood, the lives of the patriarchs, and the creation of Israel as a nation. At each turn, Hawker ...
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Was John Owen a Puritan?
John Owen (born 1616, Stadhampton, Oxfordshire, Eng. —died Aug. 24, 1683, London) was an English Puritan minister, prolific writer, and controversialist. He was an advocate of Congregationalism and an aide to Oliver Cromwell, the lord protector of England (1653–58).
Where is Rev Hawker buried?
Robert Hawker died on 15 August 1875, having become a Roman Catholic on his deathbed. He was buried in Plymouth's Ford Park Cemetery.
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Looking for books by Robert Hawker? See all books authored by Robert Hawker, including Zion's Pilgrim, and New Testament Commentary Volume Two, ...
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Robert Hawker introduced his Concordance and Dictionary of the Sacred Scriptures. All who have loved Hawker's Commentaries and Morning & Evening Portions will ...
56 free public domain works of Robert Hawker via Post-Reformation Digital Library (PRDL), a database of digital books ca. 1500-1800.
Our mission is to provide open access to scripturally sound and theologically rich Christian literature, ensuring cost is never a barrier to building a robust ...
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Memorials of the Late Rev. Robert Stephen Hawker, M.A., Sometime Vicar of Morwenstow, in the Diocese of Exeter ... FREE delivery on $35 shipped by Amazon.
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Robert Stephen Hawker (1803–1875) was a British Anglican priest, poet, antiquarian and reputed eccentric, known to his parishioners as Parson Hawker.