Belinda is an 1801 novel by the Anglo-Irish writer Maria Edgeworth. It was first published in three volumes by Joseph Johnson of London.
Rating (3,683)
The lively comedy of this novel in which a young woman comes of age amid the distractions and temptations of London high society belies the challenges it ...
Apr 13, 2016 ˇ A matchmaking aunt Belinda is the story of Belinda Portman and how she learns to depend on her own judgement and not the advice of others.
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Admired by her contemporary, Jane Austen, and later by Thackeray and Turgenev, Edgeworth tackles issues of gender and race in a manner at once comic and thought ...
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Belinda was handsome, graceful, sprightly, and highly accomplished; her aunt had endeavoured to teach her that a young lady's chief business is to please in ...


Novel by Maria Edgeworth
3.7/5 ˇ Goodreads
Belinda is an 1801 novel by the Anglo-Irish writer Maria Edgeworth. It was first published in three volumes by Joseph Johnson of London. The novel was Edgeworth's second published, and was considered controversial in its day for its depiction of... Wikipedia
Originally published: 1801
Genres: Novel and Literary fiction
Original language: English
Belinda. By Maria Edgeworth, 1767-1849. London: J. Johnson, 1801. Reprinted London: Pandora, 1986. ethnicity, class, gender. CONTENTS. I, CHARACTERS. II, MASKS.
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In telling their story Maria Edgeworth gives a vivid picture of life in late eighteenth-century London, skilfully showing both the attractions of leisured society and its darker side, and blending drawing-room comedy with challenging themes involving serious illness, obsession, slavery and interracial marriage.
Belinda is a strange book in a number of ways. Though it offers what was, by 1801, the standard plot of a young woman negotiating society to a good marriage, ...