inauthor: Francis Blackburne from
The Sixth Edition of a classic in organic chemistry continues its tradition of excellence Now in its sixth edition, March's Advanced Organic Chemistry remains the gold standard in organic chemistry.
inauthor: Francis Blackburne from
Of the more than 10,000 references included, 5,000 are new in this edition.
inauthor: Francis Blackburne from
With few exceptions, insects are perceived in industrialized countries as undesirable pests.
inauthor: Francis Blackburne from
This authoritative edition brings together a unique selection from the full range of Swift's fifty-year career--prose, poetry, and letters--to give the essence of his work and thinking.
inauthor: Francis Blackburne from
The Big Book of the Hamptons celebrates the mystique and romance of these iconic and extravagant neighborhoods, exploring the architecture and gardens of these secluded retreats, brought to life with amazing imagery in a deluxe volume.
inauthor: Francis Blackburne from
He carefully selected and compiled canons from earlier collections and then went on to tamper systematically with the texts he had chosen.
inauthor: Francis Blackburne from
... Author , begs to announce that he is now arranging , in conjunction ... in Author's interests.- For terms apply to E. J. MAY , 100 , Fleet - street ... Blackburne - place , Liverpool . A LADY of much literary experience would ...
inauthor: Francis Blackburne from
... Author , begs to announce that he is now arranging , in conjunction ... in Author's interests.- For terms apply to E. J. MAY , 100 , Fleet - street ... Blackburne - place , Liverpool . A LADY of much literary experience would ...