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inauthor: Howard Walter Caldwell from
The Sixth Edition of a classic in organic chemistry continues its tradition of excellence Now in its sixth edition, March's Advanced Organic Chemistry remains the gold standard in organic chemistry.
inauthor: Howard Walter Caldwell from
. . . Walter Dean Myers weaves elements of magical realism into a harrowing story about drug use, violence, alternate perceptions of reality, and second chances.
inauthor: Howard Walter Caldwell from
Offers a thorough examination of Afro-Barbadian migration to Liberia during the mid- to late nineteenth century.
inauthor: Howard Walter Caldwell from
Sharp, yet warm, whimsical and deeply Parisian, this is a must for all Antoine Laurain fans.
inauthor: Howard Walter Caldwell from
In Paper Cadavers, an inside account of the astonishing discovery and rescue of Guatemala's secret police archives, Kirsten Weld probes the politics of memory, the wages of the Cold War, and the stakes of historical knowledge production.
inauthor: Howard Walter Caldwell from
... ( in author's possession ) . ( 2 ) Other : Parliamentary Debates , Fifth Series , Commons , 1916 , vols LXXXI , LXXXII ; P. Howard , ' Henry Sara : An Appreciation ' , Spur , June 1916 ; ' Henry Sara Stands in Tottenham ' , Workers ' Life ...