Robert Hawker Puritan from
With a Memoir of His Life and Writings Robert Hawker, John Williams. arminianism ; and strong disapprovers of puritan- ism . * Though I have connected into one view , the mo- narchies of Elizabeth and James , in order for the better ...
Robert Hawker Puritan from
Robert Hawker was considered as the "Star of the West", due to his superlative preaching that drew thousands to Charles to hear him speak for over an hour at a time.
Robert Hawker Puritan from
And, to give every possible encouragement to the poor coming sinner, whom God the Holy Ghost is leading by the hand to the all-precious Jesus, He adds, "And him that cometh to Me I will in no wise cast out." Robert Hawker (1753 - 1827)
Robert Hawker Puritan from
Robert Hawker. arminianism ; and strong disapprovers of puritan- ism . * Though I have connected into one view , the mo- narchies of Elizabeth and James , in order for the better discovery of the learned men of those days , who filled ...
Robert Hawker Puritan from
Drawing on a mass of unpublished material, Piers Brendon re-creates one of the most bizarre of Victorian lives, revealing the mixture of truth, over-simplification and falsehood in the legend which has built up around him.
Robert Hawker Puritan from
Robert Hawker. arminianism ; and strong disapprovers of puritan- ism . * Though I have connected into one view , the mo- narchies of Elizabeth and James , in order for the better discovery of the learned men of those days , who filled ...